The most valuable currency is time. The rotation of earth is how we mark this currency. A series of 12 NFTS on the $olana Blockchain Platform, each representing 1 hour of a clock. An homage to the sunsets of Miami Beach. All holders will have access to an annual private digital event on the summer sostice 6/21.
“POLLYANNA” Originally a fictional character, now a word that tends to describe both the power and pitfalls of a specific mental model.
We can all enhance our lives with stronger mindsets. This limited series of 10 NFTS allows owners access to a digital event which will deconstruct the complexity of our mental models and how they can be harnessed for further greatness in our lives.
Original Piece Dimensions: 5ft x 3 Ft - Mixed Media
This piece is a reflection of my physical being at the time of its creation. We all go through painful moments in our lives (physical & emotional). This image serves as a reminder to harness that pain, learn from it, and transform it into something beautiful.
Original: 23 x 53 Inches, Acrylic on Canvas
Digitally Calibrated into 15 1 of1s.
This piece is an homage to my lifelong lack of hand control. It is this inability to stay within the traditional constructs that has shaped my painting style and guided my principles as an artist. Own your truth and harness your deficiencies into great strengths.
53 x 53 Inches , Acrylic on Canvas
PQ. The variables of a conditional statement. This piece questions the prism of what meets the eye. Logic and appearances are just the surface level of who we all are.60 x 42 Inches , Mixed Media on Canvas
One must surrender a sense of themselves in order to make space to feel for another.
5ft x 3ft - Mixed Media
This piece is an homage to the finite nature of our lives in the context of infinite time and space.
Latin for “Old Friendship” this series symbolize the gesture friendship as the original piece was painted while I was on the phone catching up with an old Friend.
Original Piece: Acrylic On Canvas, 56in x 36In